Should My Child Have a Behavioral Consultation?

Does your child need a behavioral consultation? A behavioral consultation is an effective way to help parents address behaviors that behavioral consultationdisrupt family routines. The consultation involves identifying problem behaviors and implementing treatment. Dr. Anita Henley, Dr. Tara Etter, and Dr. Leesa Lawrence at Royal Oak Pediatric Associates in Marion, VA, offers behavioral consultations to children of all ages. Here are some reasons why kids should have a behavioral consultation.

1. Taking risks without thinking- Some children have a hard time controlling their actions. Sometimes, they take risks without thinking. Teenagers take more risks than any other age groups. This risk-taking includes binge drinking, dangerous driving, drug use, and risky sexual behavior. People often believe that teenagers engage in risky behaviors because they're not very good at evaluating risk. A behavioral consultation will allow you and your child's doctor to create a plan to manage negative behaviors.

2. Difficulty managing impulses– Impulsivity is defined as "actions without foresight.” Impulsive children often do things like blurt things out, don’t wait their turn, take unnecessary risks, and interrupt conversations. Impulse control develops slowly over time. Kids who become aggressive after they begin school or children who yell at their teacher need help developing better skills. If your child exhibits impulsive behavior, a behavioral consultation will reduce impulsivity.

3. Difficulty controlling emotions- It's normal for preschoolers to have occasional emotional outbursts. Daily emotional outbursts are a sign of a behavior problem. Older kids should be able to cope with negative feelings in a socially appropriate manner. If your child's anger is out of control and affecting how they interact with their friends and family, they need professional help. A behavioral consultation in Marion is a way to get help for your child.

4. Behavior that interferes with school– Misbehavior that interferes with your child's education may be a sign of a behavior disorder. Difficulty staying on task, getting into fights, and getting sent out of class are all potential warning signs. You know that you have to step in when your child hits a playmate, but you should not disregard more subtle aggressive acts, like pinching a friend or shoving his brother. If you don't intervene, your child's behavior can become an entrenched habit. Plus, it sends a message that hurting people is acceptable.

5. Problems related to social interaction- It's normal for children to have spats with peers, but if your child's behaviors prevent her or him from having friends, that's a problem. Kids should be able to develop and maintain healthy relationships with their peers. In general, a child's behaviors are deemed to be normal if they are socially, developmentally, and culturally appropriate. A few tantrums, yelling, and arguments once in a while are normal. But if these behaviors occur on a regular basis, then they are a cause for concern.

If your child needs a behavioral consultation, why wait? We can help you today! Call Royal Oak Pediatric Associates at 276-783-8183 today to schedule your child's appointment in Marion, VA. Our pediatricians are trained to help children and teenagers with behavioral or mood problems. We can help you identify troubling behaviors and address them before they escalate to something more serious.